Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

cara Deface Facebook [HACKER]

Ini sengaja gwa share,biar lu lu pada bisa hack FB yg lu benci,tp jgn digunakan untuk yg macem²... Pertama: Defacing Facebook: A Security Case Study Adrienne Felt, University of Virginia, The Facebook Platform represents a powerful combination of social networking and third-party gadget aggregation. Officially released in May 2007, the Facebook API provides developers with millions of potential users and partial access to their information. The highly personal nature of Facebook data and the amplifying effects of the social network make it crucial that the Facebook Platform does not enable third-party attacks. This paper describes Facebook’s security mechanisms and presents a cross-site scripting vulnerability in Facebook Markup Language that allows arbitrary JavaScript to be added to application users’ profiles. The profile in the code can then defeat their antirequest forging security measures and hijack the sessions of viewers. Sisanya bisa dibaca Kedua: hayUk , Kita nge GIFAR yukz!!! cache%3AZXJURyAO3zkJ%3Ariosec%2Ecom%2Fhow%2Dto%2D create%2Da%2Dgifar%2Bgifar%2Bfacebook%26cd%3D16%26hl%3D &feature=player_embedded Silahkan Di ubek " !!! Upload FOto Ke dinding -> sebutkan Nama !! dan kena dech!!! x-ace Sisanya bisa dibaca Ketiga: Spammers Deface Facebook Wall By Mendelson Tiu | Monday | 31/03/2008 Fortinet is warning users of hijacked Facebook accounts posting deceptive messages on the ‘Wall’ that links to various spam sites. Click to enlarge The social website has a ‘Wall' that allow users to post comments on friends' profiles. Spammers post various messages (online pharmacy shops, free ringtones) on it by purchasing hijacked accounts from identity thieves who were able to hijack the victim's account. One of the spamvertised links has been confirmed to resolve to a web host that also serves content for several pill pushing sites, involved in a criminal fraud ring. Included in this ring is Canadian Pharmacy, Fortinet says. The Fortinet Global Security Research Team advises social networking site users to be wary of phishing attempts: when confronted by a login page or upon clicking a link contained in a friend's message, carefully check the login page URL. Sisanya bisa dibaca Keempat: Hack facebook, fake login facebook, deface facebook, cara mendapatkan password facebook pertanyaan2 seperti itu lah yg banyak di pertanyaakan oleh teman2 yg biasa hobynya suka jahil -_-” Memang facebook lebih baik dibanding dengan friendster namun kita masih bisa mengakali untuk bagaimana cara mendapatkan password seseorang difacebook yaitu dengan menggunakan fake login atau login palsu untuk saat ini hanya itu saja yg saya bisa ^_^ Untuk mendapatkan scrip fake login bisa kamu download disini namun perlu di ingat penulis tidak bertanggung jawab atas akibat yg disebabkannya dan untuk cara menggunakan scrip ini silahkan utak-atik dan pelajari sendiri O_o Demo login silahkan cek disini, sangat direkomendasikan untuk memasukan email dan password facebook anda yg sebenarnya. kekekekekekeeke……. Gunakanlah scrip tersebut dengan bijak, trims banget buat family code :D Sisanya bissa dibaca Yach,sementara hanya segini saja artikelnya. Tapi tenang,masih bersambung kok..... Semoga bermanfaat.....

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